Preview - Ap Physics 1 Mechanics

Simple Harmonic Motion Model


This is a simulation of a mass and a spring oscillating on a frictionless table in 1 dimension. Observe the code and observe the motion of the turtle. (You will probably need to increase the speed slider for it to move quickly enough)


Please answer the questions below.

Observe the motion of the turtle. What do you notice?

Motion Graphs:

Point out the slope of the x-coordinate vs time graphs and see if it matches the velocity graph below.

Point out the slope of the x-velocity vs time graphs and see if it matches the acceleration graph below.


Calculate the period for one full cycle.

Calculate the frequency for one full cycle.

When velocity is zero what is the position? When the position graph has a negative slope, what is the sign of the velocity? The acceleration?

Increase the mass of the turtle and make a prediction. What should happen? What did happen? Why is this so?

Increase the spring constant and make a prediction. What should happen? What did happen? Why is this so?

Draw the force and velocity vectors on the turtle when it is:

  1. left of the equilibrium point moving left
  2. left of the equilibrium point moving right
  3. at furthest point left
  4. at the equilibrium point
  5. right of the equilibrium point moving right
  6. right of the equilibrium point moving left
  7. at the furthest point right
Note: Draw your sketch in the sketchpad below


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